WOW-POW = World Of Wonderful POWer: Nanowire Batteries now with Silicon “Core Shell” getting closer to production?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Nanowire Batteries now with Silicon “Core Shell” getting closer to production?

An updated on Dr Cui's nanowire batteries that can add 10x increase to Lithium Ion batter capacity. If you remember, Dr. Cui’s team discovered that by using crystalline silicon nanowires in place of the conventional graphite anode, the anode could hold ten times more lithium than it normally could. Silicon also offers the advantage of having almost no side-reactions with the electrolyte, which are what limit shelf life in li-ion batteries. For his research, Dr. Cui received a Global Research Partnership (GRP) grant from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST).
Much More Here