WOW-POW = World Of Wonderful POWer: PV EXPO - Mitsubishi Develops Solar Cell Using TFT Material (organic thin-film solar cell)

Saturday, February 28, 2009

PV EXPO - Mitsubishi Develops Solar Cell Using TFT Material (organic thin-film solar cell)

Mitsubishi Chemical Corp exhibited an organic thin-film solar cell at the 2nd International Photovoltaic Power Generation Expo. In order to develop the new solar cell, Mitsubishi Chemical utilized an organic semiconductor material that the company developed for TFTs in 2006. At present, the solar cell has an energy conversion efficiency of 4.9% in the case of a 2mm-square cell. "We are aiming to achieve a cell conversion efficiency of 10% by 2010, and 15% by 2015," the company said. Mitsubishi Chemical's organic thin-film solar cell currently uses a fullerene derivative as the n-type material and the company's proprietary material called "benzoporphyrin (BP)" as the p-type. At present, the cell is a single-junction cell with one p-n junction.
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